The Lessons, Elizabeth Brown

The Lessons, Elizabeth Brown

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre:  Romance, Erotica

Natalie, oh how I felt for her. I’m a list maker too, a planner, someone who mulls over the nuances of every little thing….so I really understood why something so simple as losing her pesky virginity became such a complex issue for her. She wasn’t going to tell the full story though to the psychiatrist, but had a premade plausible story ready. I wasn’t really sure why she didn’t want to tell the truth – somehow that bit seems to have passed me by, and now looking back I can’t really see why she was evasive? Still, it set things up nicely for her to meet her surrogate, and he turns out to be…Ryan, the drop dead gorgeous guy who’s just been flirting with her in the library.

I loved Ryan, he’s worked so hard to get where he is, overcome so much in his background, and the effects it left on him make him perfect for this job. He has no issues separating sex from emotion – until he meets Natalie.

They do a forward and backward dance around their attraction to each other, knowing that he needs to stay professional and detached, and each is never really sure how the other feels. Being Natalie she mulls it over constantly, working out what every tiny inflection of speech, each lift of an eyebrow, every little action, could possibly mean. Does he really want her? Or is that just professional politeness? Poor Natalie, she was lost.

In between this story there’s the other parts, Natalie’s move to a new place, her new job and the problems she encounters – and I did see what was happening there pretty early, but wow – she really got caught out in a nasty way there. Then there’s Ryan, his past, his sister, his profession and studies.

Its a good read, one that was fun, steamy and sexy, hot and sensual,  and felt very real and yet – I really, really want to five star it, but it just feels as though there’s something missing, as though maybe its just a little too light, too easy going. I wanted more drama, more depth to it, and there certainly was the potential in the story. Still, not everyone wants the same things thank goodness, and for many readers this will be a perfect read.


Stars: Four, Its a hot, sensual read, good story and one I really enjoyed…Best of all – Stand alone, no cliff hanger and that’s getting rare in erotic romances now.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

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About jeanniezelos

I'm an avid reader, love my kindle and I have my head in a novel for hours daily : ) Mum used to say I'd read toilet paper if it was printed- it wasn't, so i had to contend myself with the back and sides of the cereal packets. I've always Needed to read and we had few books when i was a child hence my penchant for reading anything including adverts then... I review mainly contemporary, erotic and paranormal romance books though dystopian and urban fantasy also appeal. I'm currently rated around the 300 mark on for my reviews. I try to keep them structured and to say what I do and don't like about a book so other readers can use my review as a guide to whether they may enjoy the book.

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