Shifter’s Claim, Part IV, A.C. Arthur and whole book Shifter’s Claim, A.C. Arthur


Shifter’s Claim, Part IV, A.C. Arthur
Review from jeannie zelos book reviews
So, I’m on the home stretch with part four of this series. Priya knows about the shapeshifters, and that knowledge places her in danger. She still needs to rescue her brother – though Bas now knows about that and is helping, and she’s discovered she’s in love with Bas… her loyalty lies with the shifters despite her job. What should she do now though? Knowing that Bas won’t accept a human as more than a brief lover, what’s next for her?
Bas however knows inside himself she’s his mate and is struggling to accept it. In the middle of this there’s the threat from the Rogues, the drug shipment they interuppted to puzzle out, and the ever present danger of their species being made public. No wonder he’s feeling frazzled especially with his thoughts years back on when he failed to protect his human lover from these same Rogues…then there’s a new opening plot onto the next in the series brought in too….
It’s only a part book, but wow, its got a lot packed in. Somehow there was almost too much for me, as I felt the problems that we’d been seeing were over very quickly, and without the drama I expected. I still had problems with Priya’s and Bas actions – they just didn’t sit right at times for me but…that’s the way it goes.
Stars: Four, a decent read but I felt there was so much packed in that the plots we’d been engrossed with were glossed over almost in conclusion.
ARC supplied via Netgalley.


Shifter's Claim (The Shadow Shifters)

Shifter’s Claim, A.C. Arthur
Review from jeannie zelos book reviews
This is the complete book, the same one released in four sections. It features a group of cat shifters, not sweet tabbies but Big Cats, Tigers, Jaguars etc…They’ve been around hundreds of years and have moved from their jungle origins to live among humans. Keeping the species secret is important. Bas is one of the lead enforcers in ensuring that anything likely to reveal them is kept away from the media. Priya is a reporter and is being blackmailed into revealing them via her job, Someone has her brother and is keeping him under severe conditions to ensure she does it. All she has are some anonymous emails and a picture of Malik bloody and beaten… Add in the Rogues, a group of renegade shifters who want to reveal their existence and who make money by unscrupulous deals and drug running, and we can see the tensions within the different groups. Throw in the attraction between Priya and Bas and its light blue touch paper and stand back…
Overall its a fun read, but it didn’t keep me glued to the page. At times there was so much going on that it detracted from the events as I just didn’t know what to concentrate on.
Stars: Four, Its agood read, but light in parts.
ARC supplied via Netgalley.

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About jeanniezelos

I'm an avid reader, love my kindle and I have my head in a novel for hours daily : ) Mum used to say I'd read toilet paper if it was printed- it wasn't, so i had to contend myself with the back and sides of the cereal packets. I've always Needed to read and we had few books when i was a child hence my penchant for reading anything including adverts then... I review mainly contemporary, erotic and paranormal romance books though dystopian and urban fantasy also appeal. I'm currently rated around the 300 mark on for my reviews. I try to keep them structured and to say what I do and don't like about a book so other readers can use my review as a guide to whether they may enjoy the book.

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