Archive | June 2022

Shadowed Origins: A Psychic Suspense Thriller with a Romantic Twist (The Guardians Book 2) Reily Garrett

Shadowed Origins: A Psychic Suspense Thriller with a Romantic Twist (The Guardians Book 2) Reily Garrett

Shadowed Origins (The Guardians Book 2) by [Reily Garrett]

Genre: romantic suspense

A solid romance, that’s wrapped in a twisted and believable story of Psychics and the people who would use their talents for evil purposes. The romance is very much a secondary part of the story, very real, but the actual drama and other plots are the focus, with of course this overarching story line about the psychopath Roth.
This time the focus is on the other group, with Ashlyn and the guys who rescue her. They’ve also been tracking Roth, with a helping hand, much like Kiera’s group from someone or something unknown.
Ashlyn has been through so much in her short life, constantly abused and used by Roth, with a very weird and solitary upbringing. Its so sad when we learn more of her early life. Like Kiera she believes she has no family but they meet, accidentally as in last book, then finally their caution lessens and they meet properly. They soon share experiences when they realise they both have the same prey, but Roth is like a greasy pig, difficult to pin down and once more escapes their plans.
Its a fun read again, as with Kiera and Wyatt I felt the romance between Ashlyn and Taylor developed very very fast but hey – intense pressure does being out extreme emotions. I loved the way both Kiera and Ashlyn have this talent to communicate with animals, I would Love to do that. It proves very useful for them and also brings in a few lighter moments. Parts of the book are quite dark, grim and scenes like that add balance. Its not overly gruesome, I used to read some thrillers where the story was great but the scenes were just too bloody and realistic for me, I’m a wimp, have to skip those, but this novel was fine.

Sadly the big bad, Roth, is still at large and planning. There are too many like him, amoral types who will do anything for power. Maybe with the combined group they an bring him down.

Its a fun read, enough detail to keep me reading but not so much technical stuff I give up ;-). Again a decent ending but openings left for the next book.

Stars: Five, a great read, technical enough to keep interesting, but not so deep I’m lost! Some really interesting characters, especially four legged ones!

ARC supplied by author

The Zauberin and the Dragon

The Zauberin and the Dragon

The Zauberin and the Dragon: Book One by [A.J. Wildman]

Genre: Romance, Sci-fi and Fantasy

well, an intriguing premise but it didn’t live up to potential for me. Some things that bothered me was the transition from cursed mosquitos back to cursed dragons. The transition between “ordinary” carrier and becoming an out of control killer wasn’t ever explained – or I missed it. I wanted to know what it was the tipped the balance, was it something they did, a choice they made or just something that happened without their control?
There were some silly spelling/grammar errors too that irritated, not enough to spoil story but enough to stand out.
Riley and Olivia are good as a couple, searingly attracted but I found it hard to believe that a) he broke her heart and b) he seriously expected one kiss and she’d just wait five years because he asked? Despite that I loved the pair of them as a couple, just would have liked events to have had a longer time span, to grow organically.
Riley’s family are weird, and the turnaround equally so – I found that hard to believe in.
The story line is quite dark at times, but it fitted the plot and was balanced out by other events, and some subtle humour. There some serious drama building up and a very satisfying ending.

Stars: Three, a mixed bag. Some parts I loved, others were harder to believe in.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

Nora Goes Off Script, Annabel Monaghan

Nora Goes Off Script, Annabel Monaghan

Nora Goes Off Script: A hilarious and heartwarming romance for summer 2022 by [Annabel Monaghan]

Genre: Romance,

Well, Wow. I loved this.
I read a lot of different genres including good old romance, but for me the story has to have more than the light and cute, couple meet, fall in love, quick bit of sad then the HEA. Lately somehow that’s all I seem to find, books like the Hallmark afternoon films my late husband adored. He’d have a tear by the end, I’d be “ What? Really”. Millions of folk love these sorts of reads, I’m not knocking them, but they’re not for me. When Nora talks about her TRC stories, it made me smile, that’s exactly what I mean.

Nora was wonderful, picked herself up after her husband left “ to find himself, she was holding him back” or some such nonsense, leaving her with debts, house needing repairs, and of course two adorable kids. She just knuckled down and wrote a story about it. She usually writes romances for The Romance Channel ( as above!), but this one is a bit darker and more intense than her usual, and her agent pitches it elsewhere…cue a whole life change for Nora.
I loved Nora, she’s been through so much, supporting the family on her own long before Ben left. In fact she’s financially better off without him, something many of us know about. Arthur and Bernadette, the kids, are great. Sensible, almost adult at times but with the kid bit bursting through at others. She has some great friends too, plus of course the small town folk that are always around, those who most try yo avoid, who have a way of manipulating others, or saying things in a double handed way.
Then the film crew. I loved Wheezie, and of course Martin, and his ever younger girlfriends…Leo though, I didn’t like him at all to begin. I was thinking “ really? This guy is the one she falls for?” Over time though, as he settled I grew to see a different side of him, and fell in love along with Nora. And then came the big crash. Huge, but very quiet crash.

What I loved about when it all went wrong is that it was fully explored, drawn out, there were times when I thought “is this the time they get back?” only to find it wasn’t. That part was perfect for me, I like the drama to be fully wrung out, every bit of emotion explored, pulled out, not over in a couple of pages as so often happens. Then when things finally did work out it was just so so satisfying, again there’s still upset and hurt, its not “ wow, OK, all is wonderful now” There were some very real reactions.

Stars: Five, a fabulous story for me, felt very real and had drama in bucket loads.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

Enticing Mel, A Rock Star Romance / True Platinum Series Book 3, Morgana Bevan

Enticing Mel, A Rock Star Romance / True Platinum Series Book 3, Morgana Bevan

Enticing Mel: A Rockstar Romance (True Platinum Series Book 3) by [Morgana Bevan]

Genre: Romance, General fiction ( Adult)

I was really intrigued by the Mel/Dan conundrum in the last book so excited to read this. I found the same issues for me personally as in the last book, a bit light on drama, lots of potential but its pretty much over before it starts.

Dan was a flake, did he really just expect her to wait around like a good little girl for when he was ready? Its taken a long while for that to happen, and he just seems surprised that now he’s ready she’s not jumping for joy!
Mel, I so felt for her, but she’s done a great job with Phoebe, and of course its not just her Dan’s decisions affect, so she needs to be cautious. Phoebe was a star, a little advanced for a four year old but a real sweetheart. I like that Mel has never hidden who her daddy is, always been open and never bad mouthed him. I did feel Mel over-reacted but given Dan’s past actions in a way it was understandable.

I did wonder was Dan really so self absorbed that he didn’t try to find out why she cut him off, made a bit more effort? But then we wouldn’t have this story so 😉 It seems like he’d just decided it was a good thing, he could get on with fame and fortune and when he came back she’d welcome him with open arms ( and legs….) I did wonder if he’d gone the rock star route, taking advantage of all the free sex it offered or if he’d stayed true to Mel. Whether he still regarded them as together but just apart by distance, or whether he saw it as a temporary break that left them free to do as they wanted.

Its a fun read, real situations and very likable characters, even when I found them frustrating, over reactive, not reactive enough! For me though its lacking the essential drama I need from a book like this, that’s on me, others rightly love it. Not all books suit all readers. I enjoyed this but wouldn’t re-read and don’t think I’ll continue with this series if there are more.

Stars: three, an easy read but light on drama for me.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

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