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A Feather So Black by Lyra Selene


A Feather So Black
by Lyra Selene

Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Romance, Sci Fi & Fantasy

I wasn’t sure what to expect here, an adult debut, an author unknown to me but I adore stories involving fae so requested it. I loved it. After A Court of Thorns and Roses ( loved that too) there seem to be hundreds of fae stories with that type of title, trying to emulate the trilogy. Most for me are just fails, don’t have the magic of the story, believable characters or decent writing/dialogue. Sue me, I’m picky about what I read 😉
So this was a gamble, hoping it was not one of those….and it isn’t. Its perfect, great storytelling and plots, realistic characters, fabulously descriptive wring with venturing into “ writing to fill word count” territory and a host of twists, turns and surprises.

I love Fia and her special talents, felt for her awful upbringing even as she’s grateful for it and loves the Queen deeply. The settings were perfect, both human and Fae. I would have liked to see more of the Fae folk, mostly we just meet Irian. And Corra of course, I love Corra. I’d rhyme something but I can’t..we need morra Corra, that best I can do 😉
Poor Fia, trained for one thing her whole life and then she finds that maybe things were not as she was let to believe, maybe by following the queens orders things will be worse not better. Who is telling the truth? Who to believe, so much hinges on her decisions.
I am so keen to read more of this series, its fabulous.
Stars: Five, a fantastic fae read, great journey, fab ending but I need more ASAP!

ARC supplied by netgalley and publishers

The Witchwood Knot Victorian Faerie Tales, Book 1 by Olivia Atwater

The Witchwood Knot
Victorian Faerie Tales, Book 1
by Olivia Atwater

Genre: Sci-fi and fantasy, General Fiction , Romance

What a fantastic FMC Winnie is, never mind touching deaths whiskers, she’d give them a good tug and give him a lecture at the same time. Is she scared – yes, of course, but it doesn’t deter her from what she feels is the right thing to do.
Of course that plunges her deep into danger, in a scary manor, with some weird and not so weird characters, and a vulnerable young charge to look after. When, despite her best efforts, he’s stolen away by the faeries she’s determined to rescue him and needs all the help she can muster to get in – and out – of that dangerous realm safely
I loved the deceptiveness of this story, of working out who was in danger, who would, could help and what Winnie could do to help those caught up in the trap. Then of course who was and wasn’t trustworthy, who were more than they seemed and what on earth poor Winnie could do without bringing others into even more danger. I so enjoy Fae stories where its not all romance and sweetness but where the fae are dark, difficult, dangerous and mortals need to tread very very carefully.

Stars: Four, another fun read, very different to the usual Fae stories.

ARC supplied by netgalley and publishers

Of Pears & Spears The Thule Cycle #1.5 by C. Monk

Of Pears & Spears
The Thule Cycle #1.5
by C. Monk

Genre: Novellas & Short Stories, Romance, Sci Fi & Fantasy

I rarely read novellas, but as I’d read the first Thule story, this was just like continuing, in that I knew all the major characters and the world setting so it was fine for me. It was like joining old friends on a new adventure.
I’m so glad we got Sfjona as a main character, I hoped for that after the Dance(s) with Sir Natameus Bedivere of Bedrydant in the last book.
Of course they’re opposites in so many ways, not least in social standing but Sir Bedivere isn’t going to let that stand in his way. Tall and imposing he may seem, but to Sfjona he is gentle, pursuing slowly and carefully, always conscious of the need to not frighten her off.
Of course its not just a romance, but one with the wonderful Arthurian type whimsy and regulations, Capybaras, ( behaving badly) and now some creatures that may or may not be more than a child’s fairy tale.
It all adds up to a quick, delightful read, very unusual in the range of fantasy. I love finding something fresh and new.

Stars: Five, a fun, short read that I really enjoyed.

ARC supplied by netgalley and publishers

A Power Unbound, Freya Marske

A Power Unbound
A spicy, magical historical romp
by Freya Marske

Genre: Sci-fi and fantasy, General Fiction (Adult) , Romance.

This has been a lighthearted, fun read, mixing magical families, with lands and homes that are almost sentient, with some subtle romance. Its got great characters, fun ones, serious ones and of course some good old fashioned purely bad ones. I loved Jack and Alan, two very diverse characters but the sensuality, wow….Of course the folk we’ve met before are here too, fighting for the good of magic, risking dangers at every turn. The bad characters here really will stop at nothing to get the power the perceive as their due.
It brings together the events of the previous novels, wrapping the story up in a very dramatic finale.

Stars: Five, I really enjoyed this, though at times had to mentally re-track on who was who and where they belonged in the story. It would have worked best for me to read the novels back-to-back, but that’s because I read so much there have been lots of other fantasy reads between these.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

Ghosted by Sarah Ready

by Sarah Ready

Genre: New Adult, Romance, Women’s Fiction

No. no, no, not womens fiction. Please stop using this category, men read romance, men write romance, there’s no place for this outdated category on 2023.

My first book by Sarah and what fun. Did I have to suspend belief? Yes. Did it matter? no. This is fiction land. Oddly I found a couple of the “real life” parts harder to believe in than the paranormal bit 😉

Jillian seems very needy at first and in a way irritated me, but as I got to know her and understand the trauma she’s been through it lessened. She was funny and quirky, loyal to friends and her job, and speaking of which, what a terrific bunch of characters!
Daniel was just wonderful, right from the start. I just loved him, funny, kind, generous nature. And gorgeous ( yes, I can be shallow, I want my men to be attractive).
I kept wondering how this was going to play out, how Sarah was going to resolve things. She had a great solution though, one which brought in some much needed drama and down spots to the romance. I do love a bit of heart break, so long as there’s a happy ending!
Its a great fun read, light and easy, something I needed after coming of some intense fantasy reads. I’m not sure I’d ever reread it, as I do with books I really love, but for this moment it was perfect for me.

Stars: five, a fun, light story, just what I was in the mood for.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

Labyrinth’s Heart Rook and Rose, Book Three by M. A. Carrick

Labyrinth’s Heart
Rook and Rose, Book Three
by M. A. Carrick


Labyrinth's Heart: Rook and Rose, Book Three by [M. A. Carrick]

Genre: Sci-fi and fantasy

What a fabulous trilogy this has been. Full of new ideas, interesting characters, a world that is so very different. Right from the start the idea of Pattern intrigued me and I’m so pleased the authors are planning to release a deck. ( I’d be even more pleased if I could afford it but such is life. One day. )
Ren has come such a long way, but she’s not the only one. All the main characters are very different from how I first saw them.
Its a story that’s hard to describe, hard to read occasionally, tested my brain, made me keep looking back to check facts and numbers, they are just not my thing so fascinating though the idea of Numinatra and the magic was it kind of went over my head at times. But Pattern, that’s stayed with me and has been another constant thread throughout the story.
There are parts of the trilogy I still don’t fully understand even having got to the end and its one of those where for me a rereading will show things I missed first time round.
The characters are amazing – but I have to say, noble though Grey is my heart is truly with Vargo. And Alsius of course 😉
There’s drama, danger, excitement, deaths and a few rebirths in the sense of people gone before that manage to connect. Its a very dense story, everything plays a part, every action is connected to some plot somewhere- and there are so many.
This was a fascinating read, will stay with me for some time. And I certainly will read all over again.

Stars: five, five all the way, a fabulous ending to a complex and intriguing trilogy.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

Of Blood & Light #1 by C. Monk

Of Blood & Light
Of Blood & Light #1
by C. Monk

Of Blood & Light (The Thule Cycle Book 1) by [C. Monk, Camilla Monk]

Genre: Sci-fi and fantasy, romance, new adult

Well, you know how it is, new to you author but the premise sounds interesting so – do you or don’t you? I did, and I’m so glad, this was a fabulous read, bringing a different slant on the supernatural side, weaving in a bit of Arthurian legend, combined with a strangely Victorian Britain theme….
There are secrets here, secrets upon secrets and poor River is lost. Who Are these people? Where Is she? They seem to feel she is someone else, a wayward wife no less.
I loved so much about this story, the fabulous new world I entered, the strange characters within it, some who were decidedly not what they seemed. And of course the magics 🙂
I really felt for River, loved her determination, her love for family, and her attitude of DLTBGYD. Then Hadrian, who appears cold and aloof, but time proves otherwise. So many fabulous characters here, and some real nasties too. I do love finding those in a story.
Its an intense read, full of drama, action, ballgowns and corsets 😉 and a hero who is a true gentleman, not the usual pushy Alpha grunting type! There’s a really useful section at the back explaining about Thule and its inhabitants, I found that excellent as I was a little confused to begin.
I’m off to look for what else the author has written, and I really, really hope we’re getting more of this.

Stars: Five, a cracking, unusual take on the fantasy romance genre.
ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

Night Is For Hunting Moonrise #2 by Jules Kelley

Night Is For Hunting
Moonrise #2
by Jules Kelley

Genre: General Fiction (Adult), Romance, Sci-fi and fantasy

I really enjoyed the first book, and this was a good follow up but didn’t grip me quite as much. Its an easy read, good story line, and some interesting characters.
The romance between Leland and Haley is growing, they’re learning more about each other. I was hoping for a bit more romance between Diego and Val, as so much of this story centres on them but its developing. Slowly 😉
I do wonder in stories like this where there are clearly lots of supernatural characters but hidden in plain sight so to speak, how realistic that is in the modern world? It didn’t feel quite believable here, small groups without big money to hide behind means to me discovery inevitable. But that could just be me being picky…..
And damn, not exactly a cliffhanger ending – but a very striking story line for the next book!

Stars: Three and a half, I wasn’t quite as taken with this one as the first but its still a good read, easy to follow and interesting
ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

Shadowed Visions: Psychic paranormal romance suspense (The Guardians Book 6) Reily Garrett

Shadowed Visions: Psychic paranormal romance suspense (The Guardians Book 6)
Reily Garrett

Shadowed Visions: Psychic paranormal romance suspense (The Guardians Book 6) by [Reily Garrett]

Genre: Sci-fi & fantasy

Well, when I first started this series it was – relatively – simple, with a select cast of characters. Now, well, the story gets ever more complex, bringing in so many different groups. I’ll be honest, I had to mentally backtrack several times to recall who was who and how they all fit together!
I’ve always liked Dacien, so was glad he took a good role in this book. I don’t feel quite so connected with the newer characters like Silver, but that’s because I’ve known the others through so many books now. Its interesting that she’s a shifter, and of course that brings in even more talents and abilities. Then meeting a whole group and their leader….Gabe…yep, enjoyed “meeting” him 😉 Characters do start to feel real to me when I get lost in a good book.
Its another race through dangers and adventure, a story that takes a myriad of twists and turns, and where there’s a subtle romance, one that fits the story, not dominates it. The Big Bad Roth has grown, and he’s out for yet more blood. He really is a deranged psychopath. I love a good evil character in a story! Makes for so much interest.
I think this series is reaching its climax, and hopefully all will be revealed and the bad guys shut down, but with Reily we never know just how she’s going make things play out. Expect the unexpected 😉
Its been a great series so far and I really want to see just how it all ends. I think if I do a back to back read, as I like to with series, I’d get less confused about the characters and how they connect. When its been a while and lots of other books its easy to forget small essentials, and who lesser known characters connect.

Stars: Four, another gripping read, and left me wondering how on earth Reily is going to resolve this.

ARC supplied by author

Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett

Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries
by Heather Fawcett

Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries: the Heart-warming, Cosy Light Academia Fantasy (Emily Wilde Series Book 1) by [Heather Fawcett]

Genre: Sci-fi and Fantasy,

I really wasn’t sure what to expect from this – it proved to be a real treat. Fabulous world building, both “this” world and the fae one felt so incredibly real. The characters too, some were lovely, others grumpy and dislikable, and Emily herself comes over as very brusque and uncaring. In fact she’s not, she just sees the world very differently. I empathised with her a lot, often I feel I’m adrift from others, that I’m not sure of the right actions – or reactions.
Then there’s Wendell, who’s something of a mystery, Emily sees him as something of a lightweight and is at a loss at to why his work is so highly regarded, and yet he seems to admire her, is always around her somehow – she’s not sure how he manages that- and oddly how she’s without him she seems to miss him. Still, its Wendell, he can’t let Emily go on an adventure without him.
I adored this story, so full of fantasy, mystery and imagination and yet wound in threads of reality. I was taken along for the journey, hoping, crying, upset, happy along with the characters. And cold, it practically jumped off the page. The perfect ending too. Next time I read this I’m saving it for heatwave not chilly October!
I’d love to read more from this author, she has created just the kind of worlds I love to read.

Stars: Five, an amazing book, fantasy but very real feeling and a great tale.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

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