Search results for crazy over you

Crazy Over You, Carol Thomas


Crazy Over You, Carol Thomas

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre:  Romance, Women’s fiction

This isn’t the meet, split, get together and HEA type of romance that’s very common, but one that’s a bit deeper. We see how Abby and Simon met all those years back, fell in love so quickly, how they’ve been so close ever since and now after two children poor Abby has discovered that he had an affair recently. A short one of just a week but even so – the betrayal….Its now a few months post discovery and Abby is floundering, finding it hard to cope. Simon makes it clear he wants her back, regrets what he did,  but what does she want? Does she still love him? Can she forgive? Can she ever get past this? So many questions, and it really made me think. There’s times when she’s mulling it over and angry and asking herself did She, Her,  – the mysterious Helen – care that Simon was married? Had kids? That’s something I feel too – an affair is wrong, always, every time. think before acting, think of what’s at stake. Sort out home issues first and never get entangled in someone whose got a partner. I’m very strong on this – don’t have patience with the “it just happened” “we fell in love” type of excuse. Everything has a starting point, and there’s a clear divide between innocent flirty chat and taking things that step further. Stop right there is my view. Affairs cause such heartbreak, destroy families, upset kids and their homes and schooling and can be stopped before they start.

So with that rant over its clear I really feel for poor Abby and I can see she’s struggling – and who wouldn’t? When she finally begins to pick herself up and seeks counselling I felt like I was there with her, thinking about the questions Mallory posed and gradually we saw how far Abby had come, and I so admired her. She’s stronger than she felt, and I loved that her new friend encouraged her to go to the gym, to get new clothes and haircuts etc. She needed that boost to her self esteem. Its never happened to me thankfully but I can imagine how many people look at themselves and feel less, feel that they must be lacking if their partner wanted someone else. When she’s writing in her book about the questions she had, those where whatever answer Simon gave he’s be wrong I could so see that happening.

All the way through this I really wasn’t certain what the outcome would be. Simon was clear that on his part he acknowledged he was wrong, and had no intention of doing it again, but I really didn’t know if Abby could move forward with him or whether the betrayal was just too much to get past. It made me think how I would feel, and I understood that though she still had feelings for Simon, for now they were overshadowed by what happened. Carol kept me guessing right to the end about what would be the result – and its not often that happens, usually its clear which way things are going but not here! A great read, and it looks like its a debut book too – I can’t find anything else, so well done Carol for a thought provoking, entertaining read.


Stars: Five


ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

If you enjoyed my review I’d love it if you would please click “Like” and if you didn’t I’d love to know why, so I can make future reviews more helpful.

Crazy Over You, (Taming the Pack), Wendy Sparrow

Crazy Over You, (Taming the Pack),  Wendy Sparrow
Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews
Genre:  Romance,Sci-fi and Fantasy
Well, I’d read the second in this series and loved it, so looked forward to this. Its a fun read, well put together with a number of minor plots as well as the overarching one that connects with the last book. Somehow though it didn’t quite pull me in as much as book two, I’m not sure why, it just didn’t have that can’t put it down feeling though.
Its starts with a bang ( at least that’s what Travis would like!) when he’s woken up at knifepoint by a naked LeAnn…..I liked Travis, but could see where he had control issues and to me that affected his part as Alpha. He was over controlling in some areas and yet in others, where he needed to be decisive, he kind of sat on the fence a bit, mulling over what was the right course of action. There’s a need for that of course but sometimes I felt he needed to be more proactive, rather then letting events happen and then taking action.  I think he’s the main issue of the book for me, I just didn’t feel his Alpha-ness, he didn’t feel like he had the respect of the pack, and those that didn’t respect him he didn’t seem to call out on. I can’t image Alphas from other books letting pack members get away with the things this pack do. Still, he is leading a difficult pack, a newly formed one and they’re not yet working as a whole so maybe he’s right to take his time. I certainly didn’t see anyone else in the pack suited to the role.
LeAnn, I loved her and so felt for her when Travis seems to see her as weak, or doesn’t want her involved. she’s always felt unwanted, had always been alone and so sometimes when he intends things for one reason she takes it as another sign he doesn’t really want her. I loved her interactions with Alanna, I love that jealousy and bitch fight stuff and Alanna was great in that role.She was just the right balance of strong yet vulnerable, mouthy and yet friendly when she’s shown friendship, and was the perfect Alpha for Travis, outspoken and impetuous in contrast to his cool reserved nature. .
It was great meeting Jordan again and seeing how he and Christa were getting along. I love connected books series that do that, bring in others and update the reader on their lives. The plot(s ) played out well with everything wrapping up neatly but they didn’t feel quite as dramatic and full of danger as the last book, even though it was clear what was going on, though not who was behind it and why. In a way the final reveal felt a little anticlimactic and over quite quickly.  I would have liked to see more of the rest of the pack, we get some fleeting interaction but other than Alanna and Troy we don’t see much of anyone else. I wanted to know things too like where the pack’s money came from, who worked and where. Travis is Sheriff, and Alanna a vet but I don’t remember any other jobs, and yet the members must have worked somewhere. How did they keep what they were from workmates etc? Still, it’s a decent read, more than the usual fantasy romance with a solid story backing it up. I do enjoy books like that, which aren’t all light and fluffy but have some depth to them.

Stars: Four, a good read but not quite as engrossing as the last book.
ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

Crazy Stupid Bromance, The Bromance Book Club returns with an unforgettable friends-to-lovers rom-com!, Lyssa Kay Adams

Crazy Stupid Bromance, The Bromance Book Club returns with an unforgettable friends-to-lovers rom-com!, Lyssa Kay Adams

Crazy Stupid Bromance: The Bromance Book Club returns with an unforgettable friends-to-lovers rom-com! by [Lyssa Kay Adams]

Genre: Women’s Fiction

Ah, no…. Women’s Fiction, again. An outdated, no-place-for-in-2020 category I hate. Yet it still keeps creeping in. Why alienate half your potential readers. And the irony of labeling this Women’s Fiction when the premise is about a group of guys reading romance * roll eyes.

Anyway, somehow I missed book two, I thought things had changed from what I last remembered 😉 Now the Bromance Book Club is coming to the rescue once more. Can the guys wave the magic wand, do the Fairy Godfather stuff for Noah and Alexis.

I love this concept, a group of guys, very diverse from the burly taciturn The Russian ( who has incredibly sensitive moments!) to hipster Noah. I can just imagine them getting down to plot devices, analysing how and why they work in real life….
This book had such a lot going on though, Alexis and Noah friends to lovers maybe romance, Alexis past issues, her cafe that’s become a survivors haven, and of course the prejudices that brings out in a neighbour. There’s always one isn’t there. Then a real bombshell gets dropped into Alexis life and I wasn’t sure how I felt. It gave me some things to think about. I think, as Alexis did, that maybe I would have made that decision as I didn’t want that on my conscience, and yet you then can’t help wondering, do they like her for who she is or what she is? Tough one and so hard on her just when she doesn’t need more.
I got cross at both of them at points though, they seemed to be pushing forward, then stepping back. Aggravating even though it was part of who they were.

The stars: Beefcake – fab cat, and terror extraordinaire. Toebeans – what is with that name? Mack and the wedding planning, he was a real Groomzilla. When they all went for a bachelor party massage, that had me in stitches. Emergency texts to find out naked or underpants? The cucumber one of the lads used on eyes and then another wondered what they did with the carrot…..

Another great read, my only criticism was that there seemed at times to be so much, maybe too much, going on. The issues with Alexis father was a lot to add in a story already packed with events.
Hint of the next book looks like it might be The Russian taking pointe place. I hope so, he’s on the face one guy but through the books has shown us another side altogether.

Stars: Four, a fun read, has me sniggering, tears down my face in parts, the tears for an entirely different reason altogether.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publisher

Same Page, Bookish Friends to Lovers Series: Book 1, G.L. Tomas and The Lemon Spell, Sachin Kumar

Same Page, Bookish Friends to Lovers Series: Book 1,  G.L. Tomas

click image for amazon link

Genre:  Romance,

So, I knew from the description there was cheating here – I don’t like that, but usually in novels its done in such a way that I’ve some sympathy, its kind of wrong but understandable but here? Ugh! No. It was “I know you’ve got a girlfriend but…” – “ I know we shouldn’t be doing this..”- “ its so wrong” – as they’re ripping each others clothes off. ( roll eyes!)

I couldn’t get the whole Timothy/long distance romance, didn’t see how two people in love could do this – he’s 26 and content with seeing his girlfriend of four years just 3-4 times a year? It wasn’t as if it was just for a fixed period either..nether seemed to want to relocate. He talks about cheating on her   – he mentions its not something he “does often”, as if that’s OK.
Nope, I just couldn’t like him or Naima, they felt very surface based shallow individuals to me.

Didn’t like the vibe of the book either – I can see its got lots of readers who love it, I’m pleased for them but for me it felt wrong, false, overcomplex. It had too much of everything as if the writers had tried to condense all the things readers love into one book that’s got a bit of every possible ingredient. Sometimes less is more – needed here in my view 😉
I really wanted a translation too for so much of the text. I’m never a fan of written dialect, it just sounds wrong – think of all those Scots Dinna, Doona etc, they sound awful don’t they? Make the characters a certain race or type but keep the text simple, it only complicates and spoils it for many readers such as myself. It spoiled the flow of dialogue, just seemed so artificial. If the characters were strong and a certasin type I can assume the dialect for them in my head, don’t need it spelled out. Every page seemed filled will this weird mish mash of dialect, hipster speak, all-inclusive openess. I didn’t really get the sense of any of the characters, didn’t feel I knew them and apart from the bookshop jobs they had and this strange romance I didn’t see any solid plots.
It was riddled with acronyms too which I has to keep looking up – all that spoiled things for me and its a fail….but it ends on a cliffy and the sequel is on KU, so if you want to take a punt and have KU at least you’ll be able to read all the story.

Stars: Two, a hit for many readers and I’m really pleased for them but a fail for me. We all want different things from reading. This shows that very well.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publisher

The Lemon Spell,  Sachin Kumar

click image for amazon link

I haven’t reviewed this one, its a novella and they rarely work for me but I know many readers like shorter books, perfect for when time is limited. Its also currently on KU.

When Jai drags Rebecca and their three-year-old son to a remote Wisconsin town on a family vacation, Rebecca’s frustration grows—her husband’s irresponsible behavior has been driving her crazy lately!

Then the unthinkable happens: Jai and their toddler die in a freak accident during the trip. Rebecca, descending into a painful spiral of sadness, confusion, and longing, visits a fortuneteller in a desperate struggle to envision a future without her family. There, Rebecca is surprised to hear that there are some witches in Jai’s native India who can supposedly communicate with spirits.

A faint hope to contact her husband’s spirit takes her to a mystic city in India. Her emotional journey reveals a fantastical world of magic, witches, and spirits. Past lives and long forgotten desires intersect with the hopes and dreams of the living. As Rebecca attempts to find a powerful witch, Jai is lingering in the nearby spirit world searching for his lost son. Can a couple’s love for each other and their son bridge the gap between the two worlds? Is there indeed a witch somewhere who can help?

Color Me Crazy, Carol Pavliska

Color Me Crazy, Carol Pavliska

Genre: Romance

Review from Jeannie Zelos Book reviews.

I love rock star romance when its like this, a step up from NA.  Olivia Cummings and Kylie Scott being two authors that use older characters, not teens, and for older readers like me that’s great. I’m always looking for more works that run in a similar style but recently have had a disappointing run. Not finding anything else by Carol I hadn’t any idea what to expect,and after my recent let downs wasn’t hoping for too much. Its a fabulous read though, full of characters that feel real, have flaws, act just like we do, has a terrific storyline that kept me gripped and is well worth reading if you enjoy novels by the above authors IMO – its not quite as erotic,but a fantastic and romantic plot-line.

Julian – ah poor Julian, he’s one of those with such talent but using it comes at huge cost to him via the Synaesthesia that he has to such extremes, no odd pretty colours or scents, he gets bombarded with them to the degree that he gets almost catatonic. I so felt for him, he’s such a lovely man and coping with this and the pressures fame brought him nearly killed him. Then he meets his sister’s friend Cleo, and somehow he ends up not only employing her but opening up his home and letting her stay there….

Cleo – She’s great and such a klutz. I know how that feels, I’ve done so many things she has, where things just seem to fall over as soon as we look at them, and objects develop a life of their own. My mum used to say I was the only person she knew that would fall UP the stairs ( I fell down them often too!) Cleo comes from the “perfect” family and feels like an oddball, pressured to conform and yet with a strong streak of individuality, along with a weakness for musicians that got her into her current scrape, jobless and homeless, and how she ends up with Julian.

They spark off each other, fit together perfectly and are exactly what the other needs even though they are opposite – Julian like control, order, tidiness, his clothes are colour coded and arranged in order and even sticky notes are set out in order and pattern,and then Cleo bursts in to his life, and she is Chaos personified. Always wearing things that look like she’s thrown on the first thing to hand, clumsy and creating mess wherever she stands or looks it seems. Yet they work and I loved it when Julian finally recognised that. There was some amazing humour and sarcasm in this novel that lifted up some of the darker times, and kept a perfect balance.

Then he’s off on tour and the pressures get to him. Cleo is so worried for him, and wonders if all they’ve got will fall apart. I just loved this part, the drama, the touring and rock star pressures. It felt like I was there with them. The band muscle, Sheik, was a terrific character and really helped Julian. I thought he was an important presence in the story. When things went wrong it was just as I love, a real drama, a tear-jerking moment that lasted for ages, chapters, beautifully drawn out. There were times when I thought they were going to work out, then some other misunderstandings would crop up and it was all so realistic, that when it finally worked I was so happy for them. There’s a short epilogue that was fabulous for wrapping up any lingering questions. I loved this read, and it will join the keepers files.

Stars: Five, a great story, full of emotion, drama and realism. I’ll be happy to read more from Carol.

ARC supplied by Netgalley.

cover release Are You Mine

coming aug 2013: self published novel by N K Smith. I’m very exceited about self publsihed works – they’ve opened up the reading market to so many new styles for we avid readers. I’ve read some real gems – yes, some dross too but thats what happens and I have noticed over the last year that authors have been much more vigialnt about basic mistakes in grammar and spelling that used to proliferate and make so many works unreadble even if they were fantastic. I think of authors like J K Rowling who had a huge clutch of rejections from traditional publishers before a small one took the chance. If she hadn’t persevered then no Harry Potter – and miliions of kids would have missed out. With the advent of ebooks and self publshing authors can now do it themsleves if they choose and not rely on being taken on my mainstream publishers. Thats got to be good for them and for us readers who get to read books that may never have seen the light of day.


Book synopsis:


Human connection? Who needs it?


Ever since she can remember, wealthy but weary Saige Armstrong has felt different from her peers in Pechimu, New Jersey. With only one good friend to her name, she has navigated the complicated halls of high school and is now faced with the timeless question: Now what?


Fox Harrington, a fun-loving, socially charismatic graffiti artist uses his passions to color his world exactly how he wants it. He knows exactly where his life is headed. That is, until he meets Saige.


A summer project links the two together, making a tentative friendship bloom into romance, but despite their affection for each other, fundamental beliefs and ways of thinking threaten to destroy all they have built.


In this tender story of young love, N.K. Smith delivers a striking tale of two people standing on the precipice of adult life.




Author bio:


Based in the American Midwest, N.K. Smith is a Technical Writer for a Fortune 100 company. The author of the Old Wounds Series, Ghosts of Our Pasts, and My Only, she is a mother of two who finds the time to write very early in the morning when the rest of the world is still fast asleep.


An avid lover of history, art, music, books, and people, she is interested in telling stories that speak to the human condition.




Author contact links:













His weight on me is new and wonderful, and when his lips find mine, I’m sure there’s nothing better in the universe. He moves his mouth lower and his tongue touches the hollow of my neck. I can’t stop shivering. I close my eyes when his lips are back to mine, and I tighten my arms around him.


There’s something frenetic, yet measured in the way he kisses me. It’s not hard to figure out that I’m the wild frenzy, and he’s the calm, dignified restraint. I can’t move much because the weight of him limits me, but I’m able shift just enough to free my legs. It’s instinctive to wrap them around his waist, but that brings about a whole other rush of sensations.


I inhale deeply the moment his lips part from mine, but it’s only a moment of freedom. Fox’s tongue sweeps out over my bottom lip, and it’s all I can do to let out my breath in a slow, but stuttered exhale.


It’s crazy how much I want him. It’s insane how just being with him changes everything.


Harrowed (Haunts and Hoaxes Book 2), Irene Preston, Liv Rancourt

Harrowed (Haunts and Hoaxes Book 2), Irene Preston, Liv Rancourt

Harrowed (Haunts and Hoaxes Book 2) by [Irene Preston, Liv Rancourt]

Genre: LGBTQIA, Mystery & Suspense, Paranormal

I’d read Irene and Liv’s other series, Hours of the Night, but apart from learning the background to the fire in the first book of this series you don’t need to know those characters to enjoy this series. I’m sure there may be more brief overlaps. Hours of the night was a pretty complex, intense series, this one has a much lighter feel and I found events less confusing, though I really enjoyed Hours.
Noel and Adam are both holding things close, its a newish relationship – I’m not sure how long but that’s how it feels – where you’re both wary of saying or doing the wrong thing. Noel, I do like his rich tastes and the humour surrounding it, isn’t sure of he’s really seeing and feeling past events or just going mad. A natural reaction for most folk who suddenly experience what he is going through. Adam, being “in the trade” so to speak, has noticed him acting oddly, but Noel won’t talk about it, shuts him down and its back to that new relationship where no-one wants to put the other person off.
Adam thinks maybe if they go to where odd things have been turned up, though he’s actually a little sceptical about the supernatural, preferring to rely on historical facts, Noel may be forced to confront whatever is playing on him. Noel isn’t keen, back to that supernatural visions or crazy worry, but agrees and things happen that neither envisaged.
I like Noel and Adam together, but at times I could shake the pair of them. Noel is master of avoidance, of doing something, anything, to avoid facing up to whats wrong ( hands up, that’s me too…), and at times he’s a real jerk to Adam, especially early in the novel. Adam too, I like him but at first I couldn’t help feeling he saw Noel’s issues as something to investigate, as an aside to his supernatural/historian investigations rather than something that’s actually hurting Noel.

Events move forward, and we reach a point where Adam wants to leave it for Noel’s sake, where he can see that whats going on is actually hurting Noel, and Noel is determined to stay, and face up to events whatever the personal cost. It brings the two closer, they move forward into a more secure relationship. The things that are happening are believable, as is the opposition from those making money from the local small town legend. Truth, or a good money making legend, which is more important. As always there are two very definite sides.
This was a fun read, not the scary spooky I feared. I’m a wimp, Stephen King et al are books that scare the c -rap out of me and give me nightmares, not what I want form my reading! I loved the relationship development, that “are we boyfriends or what?” issues, where neither want to voice it for fear of scaring the other off and yet we can feel both actually want more than the current undefined monogamous hookup style thing they have going on.

Stars: Five, a fun read. I wouldn’t reread as a stand alone but when a series I like is finished I love to binge read my way through and totally immerse myself in the characters and I can feel this is going to be one of those series.

ARC supplied for review purposes by authors

The Serendipity Game, A Romantic Comedy, Teagan Kearney

The Serendipity Game, A Romantic Comedy, Teagan Kearney

The Serendipity Game: A Romantic Comedy by [Kearney, Teagan]

Genre: Romantic comedy

Well, I love a “good” B itch in a book, and had hopes Elena would prove to be one so was keen to read this. It was a fun, easy read, but very slow to start.

Apart from a quick incident in the first few pages, we don’t actually meet Jake until a third of the way through the book. Not at all, and for me that let the story down.
I expected there to be some kind of interaction between him and Casey before then. Once the do get together it was a fun read, quite light, not a deep dark, intense read, but a very surface based, light one. Sometimes that’s what you need though, a book you can read between other things, one you can put down and when you pick it up again you don’t have to restart to remember where you were.

I liked Casey and her friends, but at times she did over labour the differences between her and Jake. I loved Jake, such a romantic man, but also very thorough in ensuring everything involving Casey is taken care of, not leaving things to chance. I want a Jake of my own.
I’m OK with insta lust, and could feel that between them, but for me I like the love to have a bit more time to develop. In this book all the action takes place in a little over a week, apart from the very end of course. I found it hard to believe Jake especially would plunge straight in after being burned in marriage first time round.
The paparazzi parts were excellent, they really do dive in after pics regardless of how they can ruin lives, its all a game and money to them. I really felt for Casey when she got caught in that situation, and was so glad she had her friends to help.

The humour is quite subtle, very low key but I’d rather that than the forced in-your-face comedy so many books contain. I did snort very unbecomingly at the Casey/Elena and the vomit scene…perfect.
I did expect a bit more from Elena, she’s part of an overall plot but I was hoping for a bit more interaction between her and Casey, some nicely chosen verbal barbs, some manipulation of events. She’s really – well – nuts is the only way to put it. Bats-hit crazy. That shows when the final plot comes to a head, but I think she could have had a bigger part in the story, rather than a behind the scenes mostly appearance.
I’m not sure I’d class it as a Cinders retelling, but it is an easy, fun read.

Stars: Three and a half. I’ve dropped a half for that very slow start where we don’t meet a main character til almost a third into the book. For me I need to have them engaged in the story earlier, preferably with the other MC, but a behind the scenes peek would have helped.

ARC supplied by author

Some insights into reviewing

The fabulous Mary Ann Marlowe asked me if I wanted to take part in a blog post she was doing about reviewers. She had some great questions and it made me think about what I’d been doing as a reviewer. Its something I fell into by accident but have gained great satisfaction from ( and a lot of wonderful books to read). I still buy books, still am a KU member and borrow books that way. I just love to read.
Maryann’s books:

Some Kind of Magic (Flirting with Fame Book 1) by [Marlowe, Mary Ann]




My review of Some Kind of Magic


A Crazy Kind of Love (Flirting with Fame Book 2) by [Marlowe, Mary Ann]





My review of A Crazy Kind of Love

Dating by the Book by [Marlowe, Mary Ann]





Coming 25th June 2019

How long have you been reviewing books? Why did you start?

Seems like ages, but its about six/seven years I think. I love reading, saw an ad on amazon forums for a reviewer for a blog reviewing supernatural reads. That lasted about a year before closing down, and in the meantime I’d found Netgalley ( Egalley ARC site) and started my own blog.

What’s your favourite thing about reviewing books?

I love to read, getting review books lets me indulge in my hobby. as a quick reader I couldn’t afford to buy all these books, although I still love to reread favourites.

How many books do you read in a year generally? How do you usually find books to read?

I read more than I review, with personal purchases, free books and KU reads. I don’t always review those, depends on time commitment but if I’ve received a book for review I always write review for that. I see it as my part of the bargain. Reviewing takes time, I do a first rough draft, then run through and correct it, adding more, taking bits out and correcting spellings, ( I can spell, I can’t hits keys in the right order!!) then save a copy and add to online sites. Although I often intend to review the other books life sometimes gets in the way.
I keep a spreadsheet with all review books listed and publication dates so I know when to post and where I’ve posted. I’m approaching 2,500 on the spreadsheet so as I only started this a year or so in to reviewing when I began getting more books, that sounds about right for the 2-300 a year reviewed.
I guess I read maybe 4-500 a year and review around 2-300. I’ve not done so many recently as I’m in temporary accommodation while my home is being renovated and its hard finding the right mindset to review.

What is your typical process for deciding which books to review? For instance, do you go by what strikes your mood or make lists to tackle like homework? Do you accept requests to review from authors directly (and if so, how)?
What I read day to day is very mood dependent, and being in temporary accommodation has meant i don’t read so many of the intense reads, the complex ones as its hard to concentrate, and I’ve not felt in the mood for those.
I write reviews in the mornings, so if I’ve just finished a review book I won’t read another in that genre until I’ve written my review – found out the hard way that its easy to confuse two similar books when writing reviews, so now i keep only one of each genre in my head until review finished.
When choosing books I have quite eclectic tastes but romance figures heavily, whether its contemporary, suspense or fantasy. I try to research titles when i can, looking to see if I’ve enjoyed past books by an author, trying to find a sample to read or to see if other reviewers whose tastes I share have read it. I hate writing low star reviews, just means a book isn’t right for me, not that its a bad book, and that’s not always easy to get across. By researching first hopefully I avoid most of those. I spend anything from a couple of mins to twenty mins or so looking at each book request. Sometimes its clear pretty quick that I’ll love or loathe it but often its a case of thinking, does this sound right? Do I feel a connection/am I interested to see what happens. Existing books are easier, I can download samples, but many review books are months ahead of release, so unless I’ve read from that author before its a tough decision. Do I risk having to write a two star if I don’t like it, or conversely refuse it and miss a gem of a read….
I mostly get books via Netgalley now, but do have several authors who’ve contacted me over the years and I review their new reads – if they sound right for me. I used to open my blog for reviews but got so many requests that I simply couldn’t read them all, and the pre-choice research takes time too, so I now have a message that I don’t accept requests. I still get a few offers that way, and each gets looked at to see if its one for me.
What I hate is when I get requests such as one recently ” I see you reviewed xyz title, and wondered if you’d review my book?” Very often, authors haven’t really looked at what I review, nor is their book comparable to the one they quoted. In one case, about a month ago, the book offered for review was a contemporary romance, a short story of just 12 pages. I never read those, they just don’t work for me, ditto novellas unless they’re part of a series, and the book the author compared hers to was a full length fantasy suspense.
I do get constant requests to review “how to make a fortune with bitcoin/forex/day trading/how to lose a stone in ten days/how to write a bestseller/how to xxx” Those just go straight to junk. If an author can’t be bothered to see if their book fits what I read I’m not going to waste time on it, and these scam books are a particular hot button for me.

Do you review every book you intend to? If not, why might you choose not to review?
Occasionally I’ve chosen one that sounds perfect for me but I just can’t get through it, I’ve one like that right now. I’m at 20% and struggling to like the characters, the story, just can’t get into the book. Its one where its me not the book though, so rather than slog through and regret the time I’ve wasted I’ll return it to netgalley with a note that i couldn’t finish. I think over the years I’ve been with Netgalley ( 2012 joined, I just looked it up) I’ve returned maybe 15 books that way. I’ve also had a handful with formatting errors, where text too faint to read, too small, or has weird gaps and words that run into one. Reference books too, cookery, and gardening are ones I love, but don’t really work well as e-Books and I don’t really read on my pc or tablet.

If you give numeric ratings, what is your strategy for determining values? Are you stingy with 5 stars? Will you give a book 1 star?

A good book is 3-4, a great book 4-5, one I don’t really like overall but enjoyed parts will be 2-3. I rarely write one star, only if the book is really error ridden ( not formatting, but basic spelling and grammar, what I think of lazy editing), or in the case of two I one starred, they were complete rip offs of another popular book. Both of those had the exact same story outline in detail. They’d renamed characters and made some tiny changes but presented the book as something original when it wasn’t.
As an artist copyright really is important to me and I hate seeing folk trying to profit from someone else hard work.

What’s your opinion on authors reading reviews of their own books? When writing a review, are you concerned the author may read it? Does that ever influence your review?
When I’ve been contacted direct I always send a copy of review to author, I’m happy for them to read what I’ve written, its my honest opinion. Its hard when I thought I’d like a book and didn’t, but I try to stress in my summing up that book tastes are subjective, and though I didn’t enjoy it others will. It doesn’t influence my review – at least not consciously – as otherwise review ratings would become meaningless. I do find sending an author a copy of a two star review hard…but hopefully my initial weeding out and research prevents that happening often.

What’s your philosophy about interacting with authors? Do you tag them on reviews? Follow authors? Chat with them?
I follow a few of my favourites who write series so I know when next due out. I chat with a handful via email, I probably ought to add tags to reviews but my non tech brain hasn’t quite got that fixed yet. I know how, its just more time though, looking up who to tag and adding it. Its something I need to work on…one day! I used to be FB friends with several authors until Amazon decided that friendship and reviewing were incompatible. Amazon can be pretty draconian about removing reviews. In the last year I’ve had that happen twice. 3,000+ reviews gone overnight. Both times I appealed, said I was open, honest about reviews, use my own name, don’t accept money or any free products except a copy of the book. They even regard things like author competitions where not just a book but a voucher is a prize, so I don’t do those now.
I’m really wary of falling foul of their rules, but as I’ve experienced, it happens really easily. there’s no communication, the first time I noticed when I went to add a book review and found I couldn’t, and that everything was gone, second time an author contacted me to say my review was missing although it had been there a few days prior. I was lucky getting them reinstated but I’ve no idea why they went in the first place?
Sadly their review rules now mean people still get products( free books are allowed, free products are not) free for review, but as its harder to find folk willing to take the risk producers now offer payment as well as free products. I know because I get maybe 100-150 requests to review products each week. The way they bend Amazon rules is reviewer purchases as normal, sellers then refund cost plus a small fee via paypal once review is up. Of course they want five stars and are unlikely to pay unless that’s what they get. So Amazon efforts to tighten up fake reviews have led to less reviews overall, but even more fake ones. IMO
I add my reviews to Amazon com and uk, goodreads and my blog, but of course its Amazon that’s what authors really want, so I’m very careful to stay within guidelines. I used to do B&N but their site is so temperamental I gave up some months back.

How do you think authors should interact with bloggers ? Do you want authors to read your reviews? RT links to them? Ignore them?
I’m happy for authors to do what they want, quote from reviews, read them, link to them, tag them. I don’t mind what they do, I write honestly so I don’t mind anything that helps sell books.

Have you ever received a response from an author after giving a bad review? If so, can you vaguely share what happened?
I hate low starring reviews but its necessary if I’m to be honest about how a book affects me. I have had one lady write to me about a two star saying she understood her book wasn’t for me, and she was pleased I’d made the point that it was a personal interaction with the story, not that it was a bad book. I still felt awful though, I know how hard authors work, and it must feel uncomfortable when someone doesn’t like your story. I paint, and of course there are folk that just don’t connect with my style, hate it. That’s how it goes but it still feels personal. I guess the art of growing a thicker skin is needed whether its books, art, anything you’ve created that others may have an opinion on.
I did get a lady email me to remove my review once. It wasn’t a two or three star review, but a four. It was her first book, and she was concerned because my four star review was showing first and a couple of five star ones were below it ( and reading them I suspect they were from friends, didn’t write much about the book itself just gushed…) . I was pretty astonished, to me a four star book is good. I thought hard but eventually removed it from Amazon, because I feel four stars is positive, and removing wouldn’t really make much difference. It stayed on GR and my blog. I felt an undertone from her in that what she really wanted was for me to make it five star rather than remove it, but for me a four was the right rating. I did tell her I wouldn’t usually remove a review, its an opinion from one reader, and I take time over writing them. I value them when I’m selecting reads, and I write honestly about how I feel as regards a story.
I also told her I wouldn’t review for her a second time ( but have just realised I can’t remember her name so in reality I may!) I’m still astonished by her request. I’ve been reviewing for maybe 7 or 8 years now and that’s the only time I’ve ever been asked to remove my review.

What advice do you have for authors who might get a negative review from you (or any blogger)?
See it as positive, its a balance, an opinion from one person. It may be that what that person doesn’t like is what makes it perfect for someone else. I’ve bought books for exactly that reason. Reading tastes vary so much, so not all books suit all readers even if brilliantly written. I hate Terry Pratchett, David Eddings, Neil Gaimon books, eldest son and millions of other readers love them. Perfect example, we both love Fantasy but different types of fantasy.
I tend to read a couple of high star reviews and a couple of low ones before choosing, so low stars help balance. If a book has a clutch of five stars but none really say anything except how wonderful it is I tend to get suspicious, ditto those where the reader has only reviewed this or a couple of books. I’m more likely to take note of a review from someone who’s reviewed lots of books.

Do you ever get any positive feedback from authors?
Yes, and I love it when authors take the time to say they like my review. Especially if I’ve picked up on a point they were making…its kind of hard to write what I mean, but that sort of undercurrent, seeing that someone isn’t all bad, connecting with a book on a personal level and knowing that there’s been a lot or research to get details right. That sort of thing. ( Pet hate: The Horse Whisperer. I took that to read in hospital not knowing what it was about – I just love horses and that connection appealed. Of course I should have read more, I was in to have most of my left leg amputated! I can tell you from experience getting back to riding after amputation is nothing like it was portrayed in that book, there are things there that are simply not physically possible ( continuing with a cracked limb socket, been there and it won’t stay on, climbing a fence and mounting – tried that too when i fell off out in woods, can’t do it) and made me really annoyed to read.

Have you met or become friends with any of the authors you’ve reviewed? If so, how has that changed your relationship with reviewing in general?
Never met any, have become in a lose way, online friends with a few but I try to keep friendship and reviewing separate. Having said that I’d find it hard to do if any of my longtime real-life friends wrote a book….

What’s the best thing that’s ever happened as a direct result of your decision to review a book?
Nothing really specific. Getting such a variety of reads is a bonus, I simply couldn’t afford to buy all the books I want. I used to be an avid library user, but I’ve eyesight issues that make printed text difficult to read and a whole book is impossible, so ebooks came at the perfect time for me. I can alter text size, fond, boldness etc.

Lyric and Lingerie (The Fort Worth Wranglers Book ) Tracy Wolff , Katie Graykowski




Lyric and Lingerie (The Fort Worth Wranglers Book 1) by [Wolff, Tracy, Graykowski,Katie]ll-teaser-1

Genre:  Romance

I fell in love with Tracy’s writing through the wonderful Extreme Risk series.
I thought it would be interesting to see what comes out when she teamed up with Katie, as I’ve never read any of Katie’s works.
Its a mixed read for me, what I did like was the sharpness of the writing, the mix of characters, the way the story flowed, but what didn’t work so well was that somehow I never really felt invested deeply in any of the people here.
Heath was lovely of course, a real southern Gentleman, who loved the ladies and had known Lyric and her sister Harmony since they were kids.
Lyric was the super intelligent but dim-on-a-practical-level type, lovely but sort of detached from the real world, only at home with science and the stars.
Its a real treat to get a hot, sensual lady who’s got a brain, instead of the dumbed down bimbos that dominate romance novels, but sadly her lack of practicality in everything except her chosen profession got a little tired after a while.

I couldn’t really see what Lyric and Heath had between them, where and why the magic spark was there. What did he see in her, and she in him, given they’ve been out of contact for what? ten or twelve years? Then they meet and sparks fly? Except they didn’t..
It could have been a great read if I felt I “knew” them better, but I got the feeling I only understood them on a superficial level.

Its a decent length novel, but it seemed a bit to me as through the humour took first place, with fleshing out the actual characters coming second. That works for many readers, and delivers a novel with some humour that’s very funny in parts, and I enjoyed it, but after a while it began to pall for me, and feel a little pressured. A kind of You Will Laugh Here like it or not…and I like my humour more subtle, like to find it kind of hiding, waiting for discovery rather than being spoon fed it, force fed even sometimes.

There are some potentially great characters here, with a fun storyline and humour literally on every page,  and I’m sure it a case of “its me not the story” but I just felt what could have been for me a great read was spoiled a bit by the OTT humour, I’d have liked less of that and more of the actual characters, their background and actions instead.
This book wasn’t really the best fit for me though the story and writing are well done as always, and I can see already that others adore it, but again thats just me.

If you’re looking for a laugh every page read this will be perfect for you.

Stars: Three, a cute story, packed with lots and lots of humour.

ARC supplied by authors
Release Date: September 27, 2016
From New York Times Bestselling author Tracy Wolff and International Bestselling author Katie Graykowski comes a sexy tale of love, laughter and lingerie …

Lyric Wright is an off-beat astrophysicist whose life is falling apart around her. After losing her fiancé to a hula dancing astrologer and losing her dress to an ill-fated leap of faith, she’s sure there’s nowhere for her life to go but up. At least until she sits down on a trans-Pacific flight next to the one man she never wanted to see again—the boy she’d lost her heart and her virginity too back before she’d learned that friendship and football don’t equal true love.

Broken down quarterback Heath Montgomery is on a plane ride to nowhere. Dodging the phone call he’s certain will end his professional football career for good, he might be Texas bound, but he knows there’s nowhere for him to go but down. But that’s before his childhood best friend and confidante plops back into his life wearing nothing but duct tape and a bad attitude. Determined not to lose her again (especially since he isn’t sure why he lost her the first time) and desperate to outrun his own shadowy future, Heath sets out to take Lyric on the ride of her life. Too bad she only dates men who actually know what her butterfly nebula is … and can find it without the help of a star chart.

Add in one passive-aggressive flight attendant with delusions of couture, a cherry red car with a crush on Neil Diamond, an over-protective sister with a black belt in Krav Maga, two parents determined to marry their spinster daughter off to the hometown hero no matter the cost, and a whole lot of lingerie popping up in all the right places at all the wrong times and you’ve got an unforgettable love story that fans of Susan Elizabeth Phillips and Rachel Gibson won’t want to miss!


About the Authors

Tracy Wolff

Tracy Wolff collects books, English degrees and lipsticks and has been known to forget where—and sometimes who—she is when immersed in a great novel. At six she wrote her first short story—something with a rainbow and a prince—and at seven she forayed into the wonderful world of girls lit with her first Judy Blume novel. By ten she’d read everything in the young adult and classics sections of her local bookstore, so in desperation her mom started her on romance novels. And from the first page of the first book, Tracy knew she’d found her life-long love. Now an English professor at her local community college, she writes romances that run the gamut from contemporary to paranormal to erotic suspense.

And for all of those who want the unedited version:
Tracy Wolff lives with four men, teaches writing to local college students and spends as much time as she can manage immersed in worlds of her own creation. Married to the alpha hero of her dreams for twelve years, she is the mother of three young sons who spend most of their time trying to make her as crazy as possible.

You can find Tracy also on Twitter, and

Tracy Wolff also writes as Tessa Adams
Katie Graykowski

I write romantic comedy with lots of heart. I like scuba diving, Mexican food, chocolate cream cheese frosting, movies where lots of stuff gets blown up, and sparkly things. I have a husband, a daughter, and three K-9 kids. I’d love to hear from you. Shoot me an email at


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