Tiger Lily 2 Amélie S. Duncan




Part Two of a Three Part Series

Lily Salomé knows one thing: Jonas Crane is the lover she always dream of. Smart, powerful and sexy, both in and out of the bedroom. Her own alpha loving dominant male. For the first time in a long time, things are looking up for Lily. With the city’s most eligible bachelor on her arm, life with Jonas might just live up to all it’s beautiful promise. That is until an altercation with a man from her past leaves her bruised, frightened, and too ashamed to tell the truth. She can run, she can hide, but for how long?

My Review

Tiger Lily, (Tiger Lily 2),  Amélie S. Duncan
Genre:  Romance,
Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews.
I loved part one, and this is a great follow up. Thankfully Amelie is bust writing the final part now so it shouldn’t be too long before the story is complete
After Fifty Shades there’s been a multitude of erotic romance reads in this theme of rich guy/not so rich girl, and so many are frankly dull, bland, copycat failures for me. Tiger Lily though has that something special, great characters, interesting storyline and erotic and varied sex scenes. I so hate it when the sex not only takes over the story but is bland and repetitive…not here though – perfect balance of sex and story.
I had to re read the end of last book – I read so much that its easy to get confused, and I couldn’t quite remember how this had been left…anyway here we are with poor Lily wanting more from Jonas, and stubborn man that he is he’s sticking rigidly to the companion only line. So for now they are apart. Gregor, her boss,  can see she’s upset but there’s history between him and Jonas, and he thinks its for the best, he thinks Lily is too good for Jonas and that history will repeat itself. He wants more from Lily too – and so does someone else, Jonas’ friend Ian. He’s met Lily when she was with Jonas and now Dani ( Jonas’ ex wife, a caring lady) has involved him in Lily’s attack. Her ex attacked her at the end of the last book, and Dani and Ian would like her to press charges. She doesn’t want to though, even though he’s done it before. Declan has promised her he’s going to rehab and getting help, and she doesn’t want this to ruin his life. After all she was in love with him in the past, and he was a great support when her parents died. Ian insists she at least makes a legal statement to him  in case of any future problems or she changes her mind. She agrees, but insists they keep it all from Jonas. She knows he’ll come back if he hears about it and her heart just can’t take it, knowing how he feels won’t change. Poor Lily, she’s in a hard place. Life is going to get tougher for her very quickly though, with more problems from Declan, Ian and Gregor both hoping for more from her, and Jonas still keeping tabs on her. Then she finds out he’s gone back to Melissa. Lily is gutted, and along with the issues from Declan she spirals into despair.
Poor Lily – it seems everything hits her at once in this book. Jonas won’t move forward into more than the companion role for her, even though he knows she’s in love with him, and its clear to everyone he feels more for her that he’ll admit. He can’t bear for her to be with anyone else though, was furious when David ( the chauffeur) told him Gregor kissed her, furious when he saw her with Ian, and yet he’s now with Melissa.
Dani – she’s a real star and a literal lifesaver. I thought she was going to be one of those friends on outside but evil inside types, but she seems a genuinely lovely lady so far. Melissa though – she’s great, a real nasty b itch, and every good romance needs one of those IMO! I can’t believe Jonas can be so obtuse as he is in this book – but of course if he wasn’t then things wouldn’t be nowhere near as much fun. Once again Amélie has written a gripping and sensual story, with unexpected plots and I’m so keen to read the final part and see how it all ends. Its definitely one I’ll reread when its all released so I can go back to back on the instalments and read all in one go. That’s the way I enjoy these stories best, when I can get the full effect of the drama.

Stars:  Five, a fabulous read .
ARC provided by author

Tiger Lily  1  Amélie S. Duncan

What started as an assignment became more than Lily could have ever hoped for…

Lily Salomé has encountered more challenges than the average twenty-four year old. After a horrendous crash killed her parents, an abusive relationship was all she needed to calcify her broken heart to stone. So when Lily’s boss comes to her with a challenge most girls would balk at, she knows there isn’t much left in this world to be afraid of.

The target: Jonas Crane, a brooding business mogul who hasn’t smiled once since his divorce. Dark, dangerous and mouthwatering, Crane has written a book about life in the fast lane and with the recent publicity, Lily’s boss wants the rights. Problem is, Crane won’t return a phone call, let alone agree to a meeting. But if a pretty publishing assistant happens to run into him at the Waldorf, with a business card and a smile…what could go wrong?

A lot, it seems. Lily thinks she’s going to the Waldorf to meet a rich jerk, or worse, a playboy, but the truth is way more challenging. Jonas Crane is smart, engaging…and devastatingly out of her league.
My Review

Tiger Lily (Tiger Lily 1)  Amélie S. Duncan
Genre:  Erotic romance
Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews
I loved Amélie’s Debut book Little wolf, and was pleased to review this one. I really enjoyed it once again, the same perfect blend of sex and story with neither dominating the other.
Lily has had such a lot happen in such a short while, and the most recent being her fiancé dumping her after she moved across country to be with him. He’s a jerk, as we see later in the book, an abusive jerk at that. Lily is strong though – at least she tries hard to be knowing that’s what her parents would want. The Salome name was everything to her dad, and he seems to have had a motto including it for every eventuality! She’s finally found a job she loves after she finished her degree, and her boss asks her to do something to help the business one evening. She respects Gregor greatly and he’s been good to her, so she thinks that maybe this will help her get a promotion, and it will certainly help the business if she can pull it off. Its simply meeting with Jonas to push their firm for his book. Of course they wouldn’t normally be in the running for something like this, so the meeting isn’t quite as business kosher as it seems, more that Gregor just happens to know where Jonas will be that night, and wants Lily to talk to him – have a sort of off the cuff “accidental” meeting.
Poor Lily is a klutz… I know how she feels only too well, and while she’s mulling the best way to approach Jonas to make it look natural she drops her bag, which skims over the floor to land at Jonas feet! From then on they talk and ….before long they are in a most strange relationship. well strange for Lily, not for Jonas.
Jonas is divorced, but gets on well with his ex and sees his teenage son frequently. He’s as the description says, Dark, Dangerous and Delicious, and the tension between him and Lily is palpable. He’s not interested in another long term or permanent relationship though – his divorce has left him feeling that simply sexual companions is the most he can do. Poor Lily thinks she can do that – but she’s much too gentle of heart. They are at opposite ends of the sexual spectrum, she’s naive and gentle, looking for love, he’s been there done that and just wants a friend to accompany him and stop him feeling lonely, and to be available for some hot and steamy sex whenever he wants. When she agrees to his request they have some incredible sexual encounters, and are soon in an intense and erotic sort of liaison. It is good to have once again the sex scenes well written and varied, they feel erotic and sensual and not just “more dull sex” as we get too often. That’s one of the things I enjoyed in “”Little Wolf.
As always just when things look good the cracks appear, secrets from the past creep out, Lily starts to get emotionally involved, her outside life and the one with Jonas overlap, and his need to control everything causes tensions and lies. Suddenly everything has hit at once, Jonas and Gregor’s shared past, Lily’s past with her fiancé and reminders of her parents death, and it seems like it’s all over.  I like all the people here, they feel very real, and the ex being kind for a change was refreshing. Lily needs a friend, and she could be just that the way things are going.
Stars: Five, cracking read,
ARC provided by author.

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24663177-tiger-lily?from_search=true
Author Info

Amélie S. Duncan writes contemporary, erotic romances with a dark edge. Her inspiration comes from many sources including her life experiences and travels. She lives on the West Coast of the United States with her husband.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads
Website: http://www.ameliesduncan.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Am%C3%A9lie-S-Duncan/572889196145981
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmelieSDuncan
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/9884055.Am_lie_S_Duncan


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About jeanniezelos

I'm an avid reader, love my kindle and I have my head in a novel for hours daily : ) Mum used to say I'd read toilet paper if it was printed- it wasn't, so i had to contend myself with the back and sides of the cereal packets. I've always Needed to read and we had few books when i was a child hence my penchant for reading anything including adverts then... I review mainly contemporary, erotic and paranormal romance books though dystopian and urban fantasy also appeal. I'm currently rated around the 300 mark on amazon.co.uk for my reviews. I try to keep them structured and to say what I do and don't like about a book so other readers can use my review as a guide to whether they may enjoy the book.

One response to “Tiger Lily 2 Amélie S. Duncan”

  1. Amelie S Duncan says :

    Thank you very much Jeannie for participating in the Release Blitz 🙂 Amélie

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